Natural Blue Kyanite in Schist Specimenweighing775grams:
This captivating specimen featuresblue kyanite crystalsembedded inschist, some of which are accompanied bygarnet. The kyanite crystals originate from theKaroi deposits in Zimbabwe. Let’s delve into the details:
General Description:
Kyaniteis an aluminosilicate mineral, typically found inaluminium-rich metamorphic pegmatitesand sedimentary rock.
In metamorphic rocks, the presence of kyanite often indicateshigh pressuresexceeding four kilobars.
These crystals were sourced from fissures in the Karoi deposits, often filled withblack mica.
Most of the crystals aresmall to medium-sized, with less than 5% yielding larger,specimen-grade crystals.
Kyanite is highly sought after forjewellery makingand in alternative markets.
Zimbabwean Kyanite:
The kyanite from Zimbabwe boasts arich blue colour, although thegemmy clarityvaries.
Other colors, such as black, green, and orange, have been reported in kyanite crystals worldwide.